Of course, it all depends on your child and your circumstances but when planning your activities (yes, there does need to be some sort of planning!) it is always great to get the children involved. Giving them a sense of ownership of their entertainment lets you know they’ll enjoy it and lets them know that they have a say (very important for young people to feel listened to). And it doesn’t have to cost an arm and a leg!

We devised an age-appropriate scavenger hunt so she would give him something to find (e.g. a brown leaf or a round pebble). He’d hare off, find it, run back and be given another thing to find. We introduced a time limit – he would have to get back to mum before the bell (a little shaky thing) whether he had found something or not.
Lots of learning to be had around boundaries, succeeding or not at a task, beginning to understand the environment – where certain things might be found etc (he knew never to pick something growing or living).

I love rock painting and have many painted and varnished pebbles and rocks making my garden look brighter (some done by my now 21 year old – happy memories!).
Make sure the rocks are well cleaned first (it’s amazing how much fun children have washing rocks!) and dried before painting (acrylics are best). Once painted and dried, you can varnish them with bought spray, clear nail varnish or even PVA glue (lots of layers needed). Letters are a super way for children to practise spelling their names, animals are fun (googly eyes a must) or, if your child is really keen, mandalas look awesome on a rock!

There are fun activities to help kids get up close and personal with nature by making a wormery and a bug attractor, doing some investigative ant experiments and putting on their own gastropod race!
The book includes handy reference pics to help children identify plants, flowers and wildlife, so as well as enjoying the great outdoors, they can learn to understand and appreciate their surroundings too.
by Allie White, educational consultant to BrightMinds
As a parent and former-teacher, Allie has a hands-on approach to home learning, believing that the best learning is done together in a relaxed environment.
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